Fractured Quotes

You know the famous quotes, but you don't know everything they said!… You know SOME of what they said…but was there more? What are you missing? In their time, They COULD Have Said It. In our time, They SHOULD Have Said it. Heck, maybe They DID Say It?!!

  • God

    The Almighty, Creator of the Universe and everything in it, including Charles Darwin and John Scopes… Some of the oldest and most famous quotes are from the Bible, like The Ten Commandments.  But that’s just what got written down. I bet there was more. I bet Moses had questions for God.

  • Socrates


    Ancient Greek philosopher; ultimate 15 minutes of fame on live reality show with friends by willingly dying to live. Remember what is unbecoming to do is also unbecoming to speak of…

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Given names of David Dwight were reversed after graduation from West Point; Supreme Commander of the Allied forces of WW II, President of the United States, Camp David named after his grandson. There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence and energy of her citizens cannot cure…

  • Abraham Lincoln

    1809 – 1865; Sixteenth President of the United States; Farm boy- Rail splitter; son’s life was saved by the brother of John Wilkes-Booth (John was Abe’s assassin) ; “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt….

  • Voltaire

    Pen name of François-Marie Arouet 1694 – 1778; French Enlightenment writer; philosopher; baby of the family of 5 children. Define your terms. But remember…

1810 BC?–1750 BC; First Ruler of the ancient Babylonian Empire ; publisher of the first code of law written on a rock “stela” for all to see. “If I publish this law code, I can…

Statesman; General of the Army; President of the United States; Teeth were actually Hippopatamus ivory… I cannot tell a lie. This is why…