Fractured Quotes

You know the famous quotes, but you don't know everything they said!… You know SOME of what they said…but was there more? What are you missing? In their time, They COULD Have Said It. In our time, They SHOULD Have Said it. Heck, maybe They DID Say It?!!

Archive for February, 2007

Posted by rdw007 1 COMMENT

Ancient Greek philosopher; ultimate 15 minutes of fame on live reality show with friends by willingly dying to live. Remember what is unbecoming to do is also unbecoming to speak of…

Posted by sjladmin ADD COMMENTS

Given names of David Dwight were reversed after graduation from West Point; Supreme Commander of the Allied forces of WW II, President of the United States, Camp David named after his grandson. There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence and energy of her citizens cannot cure…